Injuries are not fun and they can potentially derail us from our training and our upcoming race, G-d forbid. The following important tips are worth following carefully to help avoid injuries and ending your training:
Follow your running schedule carefully. The distances are purposeful and exact so it’s important to keep to the schedule. Increasing your distance on a single run or putting long runs to close together can put you at risk of getting injured.
Recovery time is so critical. Make sure you are putting sufficient space between your runs, preferably 36-48 hours. Running without enough recovery time can put you at risk of getting hurt.
Always take the safer and more conservative road. It is not worth pushing yourself too hard or taking added risk in regards to your training, especially early in your running career when you are still learning about what your body can handle. Consider rating your workouts on a scale of 1-10 and if you are getting ratings over 9, slow down your pace. If you are utterly exhausted at the end of a run or feel like you will collapse that may be as sign that you are pushing yourself too hard. Although workouts are most meaningful when they push you a bit more than the last time, the more that is needed can be very minimal. Trying to jump too fast or pushing yourself too hard is never worth it.
If you feel any acute pain during a workout stop immediately. Running with acute pain can put you at risk of hurting yourself and getting injured.
Remember to strive for mind-based running. Making running decisions that are calculated rather than emotional will reduce your chances of getting sidelined and out of the race.